Thursday, October 14, 2010


Its not the engineering you did, Its not the statistics issue you resolved, its not even the genetic code you cracked.

No. When you walk away with a PhD degree, it is not an acknowledgement to your contribution to your field of research.

It is in fact an acknowledgement of all the days you spent struggling to learn some very important lessons.

You discover that you never get things right on the first go. Hell you do not get it right even on the second, third or for that matter on the tenth go. The PhD teaches you to brave the disappointment, look past the pinch of failing, and try yet again.

You discover that the science that surrounds your tiny little world of quest is overwhelming.The PhD teaches you to be OK with feeling that sense of stupidity even on the day of your thesis assessment.

You discover that things are never in place and you are forever in a world of unknowns. The PhD teaches you to find the strength to continue solving your puzzle with a hope that things will fall into place at the right time.

You discover that you do not get a gold star even when you have published your first paper. Nothing you do seems good enough. The PhD teaches you that this is the secret behind pushing yourself into doing a better job.

Of course, having a supervisor who knows when to cut you some slack and when to hold your neck to a knife helps. Sharing an office with others who have equally scarring stories also helps. Having friends who will barge into your room and drag you for dinner when its been days since you have left the vicinity of your desk is a blessing you cannot be thankful enough for. Having best friends who complain about your lack of communication, but still love you none the less is priceless.Having parents who will silently listen to you vent about all the frustrations is more than what you can hope for. Having that special someone who will see you through all your mood swings and tell you that he loves you every single probably what what will make all of this worth the struggle.

And finally having a backup plan,like a career in music, is well... common sense!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I will always have my swords drawn.....

A couple of years back, I caught myself falling into what seemed like an abyss. Armed with the burning anger manifested into this determination to win the war, I started to climb back to where I could stand with the skies only just out of my reach.

Every step forward was a struggle. Every night brought new fears, and every day was spent proving them wrong. Anger, fear, pity, sorrow, guilt were not emotions I could feel anymore, but had each become a mighty enemy I had to fight to win. Battles have been lost but I was always ready for the next one.

And then came this day, when he struck me before I could even draw my sword. There he stood, with the same eyes that mocked me years ago. Time had not softened his spirit one bit. He had returned to see what was left of me. When he left, he knew he had pushed me further this time and I could not climb back up.

I lay in the dark corner, broken still. I dint think I had the strength and courage to start all over again. This time though, there was a difference. I was not alone. I have hands that will help me up. I have in me the spirit and love of one that will see me through it all. And so I start again....I start to climb back to where I can stand with the skies only just out of my reach.

Every step forward is a struggle. Every night brings new fears, and every day is spent proving them wrong. Anger, fear, pity, sorrow, guilt are not emotions I can feel anymore, but have each become a mighty enemy I have to fight to win. Battles are being lost but I am ready for the next one.

I will always have my swords drawn.......